Seasonal Shifts and Capturing Water with ND Filters and our 700th Weekly Photography Challenge!


Just after 300 weekly digests, we coincidentally reached our 700th photography challenge. I've been here since 2015 and being part of this community feels quite like a blessing. Amidst the numeric mark, I want this challenge to shine as far as it can! So, if anyone is willing to add more images to the already nurtured thread, you can start by binding its concepts. From it, we have seasonal shifts which can be easily understood as nature's way of keeping track of time.

Let's rewind in time a bit, shall we? These notorious changes in landscape and weather were spotted by ancient cultures across the globe. And these signs served as fine proxies for keeping track of time in a yearly fashion. Fast-forward to this day, how would you capture this clockwork signature with your cameras?

Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Spring gets largely interpreted as the time of rebirth and resurrection. And with no surprise, our elder folks were witnessing life returning from death, especially in their fields. So, blossoming flowers, vibrant colors, and wildlife seem like a fine way to go.
  • Summer, on the other hand, is less transient when it comes to producing signs; therefore, it is more about stability and the momentum of life. The long-lasting presence of the sun makes a great subject, especially when witnessed around dawn and dusk.
  • Autumn is the most evanescent of them all, it starts with a burst of warm tones and ends with the gloomy look of leafless trees. No wonder why the festivities before winter are closely related to our relationship with death.
  • Winter is the direct counterpart of summer, and delivers the most stunning landscapes and wildlife from them all — or at least for me 🏔

Congrats to all Light Stalking members; from newest to oldest alike!

Photo of the Week

When it comes to delivering contrast via the use of color, there's no match for green and red! For this shot, @reyers used an ƒ∕11 aperture value; which aids in capturing shallow depth of field. Opposed to bokeh, this approach produces sharp focus from the minimum focal range all the way up to infinity. And with a 1/13s shutter speed, I'm positive he got assistance from a lightweight and sturdy tripod.

copyright – Rob Eyers

Fall colour in Iceland from a few years ago.

Congrats Rob, thanks for sharing such a high-quality photograph with us!

Weekly Photography Challenge Digest

Thanks, Tersha and Dahlia for pushing our creative boundaries one step forward every week!

copyright – Michael
copyright – beth

The springtime arrival of bluebonnets is eagerly anticipated every year in Texas.

copyright – Marty E
copyright – Patrick

An unexpected photo of a waterfall in the middle of an arid path I’ve walked many times without ever seeing anything like it. It must have emerged at this precise moment due to the rains, right at the end of spring, almost summer.

copyright – Astaroth
copyright – Kenneth Wong
copyright – Elin Laxdal
copyright – Patrick
copyright – Kenneth Wong
copyright – Patrick
copyright – Patrick
copyright – Pat Garrett

My favorite road – A Road for All Seasons. In the past year, storms took out the huge tree in the center of each image. I learned the owners were heartbroken and had no picture of their beautiful, beloved tree. One day I stopped and gave them these prints. I’ll never forget their reaction or the feelings i had in being able to give them a visual memory of a very old tree that had graced the lawn for centuries.

copyright – Pat Garrett
copyright – Pat Garrett

March 2nd – between seasons on the Danube.

copyright – Rose Marie
copyright – beth
copyright – Frogdaily

For more visual examples on decay and resilience, check out the 700th original challenge post!

A Highlight on the Latest Activity at our Community

Kenneth started a thrilling conversation on “luck or skill“, please swing by to share your thoughts on these concepts.

beth and Astaroth organically developed a throwdown for ND filters and capturing water; here a selection of them:

copyright – beth
copyright – beth

And Marty spotted something curious around Detroit's Motown

copyright – Marty E

Has anyone taken photos of a shoe or pair of shoes dangling from power lines? I was shooting this great and colorful wall mural art in Detroit’s Motown and didn’t notice the hanging shoe until later. It was definitely part of the vibe. Obviously, someone had to really work to get it up there hanging on the line since I didn’t see its mate.  I researched “shoes hanging from power lines” and found a multitude of possible explanations. Any thoughts or experiences with “shoefiti?”

Let's give a special shout out to our newest member, Loren G!

And remember, if you want to make the most of your LightStalking user account, make sure to check the latest posts. Also, don't forget to swim the Mobile Monday Challenge!

Last but not least, our June contest (“Nature's Clock”) is open for entries!

We'd Love To Hear Your Thoughts

Our Feedback Forum is a fine place for all those people wanting to grow fast as photographers. Here, you'll get your work reviewed by freindly photographers, but you'll also have the chance to comment on the work of others. We believe in the power of feedback, and here are the latest shots shared in the pool:

The Shark Tank is a great place to learn and discuss, but please read the instructions to get a better experience. Share your comments, opinions, and doubts on any or all of the images above. We also will be delighted to see some of your own images. Remember all comments are given to the photographs; not the photographers.

Also, don't forget to participate in our upcoming challenge!!!

About Author

Federico has a decade of experience in documentary photography, and is a University Professor in photography and research methodology. He's a scientist studying the social uses of photography in contemporary culture who writes about photography and develops documentary projects. Other activities Federico is involved in photography are curation, critique, education, mentoring, outreach and reviews. Get to know him better here.

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